Posse Cut
“All my favorite albums have bonus tracks like this” 

For this week’s assignment, I made an attempt to generate one of my favorite types of poetry, more specifically, shout-outs in rap posse cuts.

I used the first line of the song Oldie by the group Odd Future which came out in the early 2010s which is a fairly long list of shout-outs to people who have contributed to the making of the album

The intention was to have the shout-outs extend to a comedically long length. But the language model will only extend that format by two.

Here are the different attempts 

Process + Examples: 

The above is the attempt using tokens.  

Below is the attempt using .generate() function . 

Starting to look like Kanye’s outro on The College Dropout ...

Finally, using merely using print(generator(”prompt”))

And somehow is the best outcome... 

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