Intermission Instruction 
Fluxus Instruction 

Shigeko Kubota.
Cream of
mushroom soup recipe,
for John Cage.


For the genre study, my initial thought was the Fluxus movement’s instruction theory, where the art piece itself is a simple instruction of different kinds. The action itself was often considered to be a Fluxus performance.

I love instructions. Since the beginning of the class, I wanted to explore the option of Fluxus instructions as something to pursue in this class.

For this assignment, I used the structure of “Verb + Noun + Time or Place” to give simple interactive instructions that can be done in a classroom or workstation at ITP, mixing people with nouns.

I wanted the actions to be doable at most times, some funny, some ironic, but also heartwarming ones as well. I believe there is some poeticness in this.


'Take a picture of a pen in the room'

'Think about the person next to you in a week'

'Write to an apple here'

'Take a picture of money '

'Whisper to your passport '

'Poke yourself in a museum '

'Think about your laptop '

'Sing to your mom in a museum '

'Interact with yourself here'

'Hold someone here'

'Believe the government in a museum '

'Say three nice things about your water bottle '

'etc etc etc '


I initially imported a long list of verbs from the internet attempting to have it as random as possible. But it was not a lot of fun, and I did not get the result I want. Instead, I picked out a few words I want and edited them with words like “to, with, on” to make it easier for them to be paired up with the nouns.

As I mentioned I want all the actions to be very doable. I did intentionally leave the invisible verbs in, it added a romantic flair to the instruction.

For the location, I left a good amount of blanks in, I think a lot of the action did not need anything else. And I was happy with the result.

Even though the sentence generated was short, I think I achieved what I wanted to do. In the future, I will add more items to the list, as well as think about the presentation and placement of the instruction. I also would like to try more complex instructions with more steps.



While in class taking notes, I did a meme format as well. 


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