ICM Lab Processes 
Array / Object 


For the Array assignment, I used the flower I created last week for the function assignment, finishing what I initially wanted to do with the flowers: placing them on the screen as the mouse clicks.


I started by placing the flower on the screen without the previous one staying there.

Flower Clicks:
Flower Drops: 

The challenge came as Array is used. One of the big issue was there are spaces between the flowers that are far from each other with each. I was debugging for a while using different methods of arrays.

But turns out the translate within the drawFlower function was stacked up, and the issue was easily solved with a push and pop.

I have also made a version with a gradient background, where the flowers will leave a trace.

Hippie Florist :

For future developments, I want to try to make the flowers float around in random directions instead of falling downwards. Also I want the background to be more lively, but I didn’t come up with any fitting ideas. 

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