Inquiry space
+ inspiration list
+ inspiration list
For the diagram of words we were making for our intro slides, I did a mini collage of some of my personal favorites of my previous work to see the common grounds among them, what they meant, what purpose they served, or even the colors. (See the last page of intro slides) My hat project, Seating Rug, and zines, etc.
I want to think that I make a project that brings intimacy to the people who interact with the project. The project will serve a minimal but specific function, but intimacy can be developed between the user and the project. The project mostly wouldn’t have cultural contexts.
The idea will be composed of a small to medium-sized object.
The most different idea I have that is opposite of what I want to make are web art or 3D-related projects.
I did a project pre-ITP with the (in)famous street signs in China, where those signs are getting banned in certain areas.
“We see those visuals so often to the point where it almost becomes white noises that blend into the background. However, I’m almost obsessed with them. Some might consider them layouts that require no design thinking, but I think they are a pure way of visualizing information. It’s an existentialist's way of information design without any unnecessary visual noise, and most importantly, it’s relatively easy to execute.”
For the original project, I prototyped a phone application that can let shop owners easily put up those signs via AR. For the web art version, I would like to focus on aesthetic of the said signs. Can the style of those signs exist outside of the context of being street signs?
Total transparency is a topic I’m interested in, where artists will sacrifice convenience in their lives for the mission of the project. I plan to explore this topic in Streaming Against the Current class, where I will set up a streaming camera in a corner of my living space and stream 24/7 for a few months. During that time, everything I do that is visible from the corner will be streamed. I will also need to learn how to live with the stream, finding privacy within. For this idea to work, I must make an enclosed device that will solely focus on the stream.
This project could be further developed into a thesis project.
Inspiration List (updating):
- Crystal Schenk - Have and Have Not (https://www.crystalschenk.com/have-and-have-not)
- Small World by Martin Parr
- One Year performance by Linda Montano and Tehching Hsieh
- Christian Marclay’s Turntable Guitar
- Noguchi’s Play Sculpture
- “We Live In Public” Performance
- Chul Hyun Ahn’s Tunnel Sculpture
- Tree circle from Miyazaki, Japan. In 1973 an area of land near Nichinan City was designated as “experimental forestry” and one of the experiments was to try and measure the effect of tree spacing on growth. The experiment was carried out by planting trees in 10 degree radial increments forming 10 concentric circles of varying diameters. (https://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/j/kouhou/kouhousitu/jouhoushi/attach/pdf/2911-9.pdf)
- Allen Wexler’s Crate House (https://www.allanwexlerstudio.com/projects/crate-house)
- Martin Margiela’s Socks Sweater