ICM Lab Processes 
Week 4: For Loop 


Sterling Ruby
FLAG(4784) 2014
Collage and paint on cardboard 
45 X 57 cm 

    When we are learning about For Loop, the first thing that popped into my head was the American Flag. I really like artists using different elements or mediums to create something in close familiarity with the American flag, there always seems to be an underlying narrative to the flag or simply decontextualizing this flag. Therefore I wanted to make an attempt at making a version of that using the For Loop function.

    I laid out the stars and “stipes” separately using For Loop, make them move, and change colors and sizes randomly as well. I redid how we did the excise in class, laying them out line by line and replacing one element of the code. (the process is in the notes) I also get to play with HSB colorMode a little further from last week’s assignment.

    Because my project isn’t interactive, I tried to use the noLoop() function as well. It simply showed a randomized result of one of the frames and refreshes itself each time it was restarted.


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